
Design meets fitness

A new dimension of luxury home gyms

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Luxury Home Gym Equipment
Symbiosis of Performance and Aesthetics

Our goal at HYME is not only to supply you with fitness equipment, but to provide a holistic enrichment for your success-oriented lifestyle.
Each of our products is not only functionally excellent, but also fits seamlessly into your home, in a way that suits your fitness routine and shows aesthetic elegance at the same time.


Products of highest quality
developed and manufactured in Germany

HYME is not about ordinary fitness equipment. It's about creating a product that reflects and supports your personal ambitions.
Our product range embodies excellence in design, performance and quality. Each and every product is designed with dedication and finely crafted to meet your needs.

Einrichtung Wohzimmer

Seamless Integration
Your fitness equipment as a design statement

Through a combination of thoughtful design and custom material selection, we create a seamless integration that embeds your fitness equipment into your home. You don't need a dedicated fitness room, any room can become the place for your fitness routine.